One particular thing that always comes to mind when talking about me, is my infinite love for music. It makes the brain work harder, it takes coordination and skill, and it's more than just a hobby to me- it's a way of life.
... & didnt I say that it's more than a hobby than an interest? Songwriting is vital to my life, because it lets me vent feelings without otherwise letting me explode from anger overload... If you want to read about my Musical Endeavors with the music I make (through performance and songwriting), then read about it in the "Music I Make" page (which you cant yet... I dont have that page ready yet...)
Otherwise, Check out my favorite musicians and click on "Music I Like"
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I make music through two different ways- performance, and (my favorite one...) Composition. I'll now go into detail (like I promised) about my adventures at District & State Music Contest, in terms of Ratings. At District, I took my 2 vocal solos, my violin solo and the String Quartet. I go a "III" rating on my vocal solos (prolly cuz of breathing), I got a "I" on my Violin solo, and the Quartet got a "I" rating. At State, Even though the Quartet got a "III" rating, I got a "II" rating on my Violin Solo. I'll go into further detail later.
In terms of composition, the news I have is... I actually wasnt accepted into UMKC, because they are butt-monkeys & they didnt like my audition, nor my ACT scores. It wasnt anything wrong with my composition, just my audition and my test scores. Oh well, I'll keep on studying violin with Marc Abelson, and go do a better audition, and instead of being rejected for test scores, I'll get enough credits to transfer instead. There. That's how I'm going to get into UMKC.
Music I love includes Backstreet Boys, Krystal Harris, older No Doubt material, classical music, & Goo Goo Dolls,... but I'll elaborate upon that later, but, in the meantime, have fun with all the musical things you do in life.
Yours Truly,
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