IF YOU EVER GET BORED & NEED IDEAS TO ENTERTAIN YOURSELF WITH...1) Go to McDonalds, & Get a bunch of fries & a McFlurry (probably an Oreo one because it tastes better...) Try dipping your fries in your McFlurry instead of your ketchup. How Does it taste? Doesnt taste half as bad as you thought it was going to be, right? Are you willing to try it? I've tried it, and it teasted great to me, so everytime I get myself an order of large fries, I must also get a McFlurry as well, because I'm addicted to dipping my fries in my McFlurry. And if you're wondering about how much fat or calories those fries AND the McFlurry are together, then dont worry about me, because I personally need to gain weight. I swear, every thanksgiving, my family alwasy cracks on me about how "they're going to fatten me up & stuff me like the thanksgiving turkey" every year. It's sick... I swear, I cant take it anymore...
2) For a minute, just imagine that you broke your arm, and you had to write with your other hand (not the one that you usually use). Try using that "other hand" (right hand for lefties, left hand for righties...) and pull out a piece of paper, and write your name or something down... using the OTHER HAND... Do you think you could pull it off, writing with your OTHER HAND? Is it too sloppy, or could you MANAGE?& lol I dont think my writing is ledgible with EITHER HAND... lol my handwriting is SOOOOOOOOOOOO ENTIRELY BBAAAADDDD & HORRIBLE- even my teachers squint and constantly ask me what I wrote cuz they cant even read it, due to my Dysgraphia (a handwriting disorder)Also, think about this- Houw would breaking your arm affect you otherwise with what you do in life? That would suck for me & my obsession w/ playing the 47856846 million instruments that I ever did see... damn that would REALLY suck.
1)Take a rubber band, and string it up on something. Believe it or not, you can acutally pluck tuns with a rubber band.
INTERESTING FACT: a violinist got started on playing violin when he was four, after his parents went into his room and saw hime plucking tunes on rubber bands that he had strung on his dresser knobs. They got him started on playing violin, and now he's profession, even though I still fail in remembering his name.
2) If you have braces, and you have elastics on your braces, you can strum intervals on your elastics while you open and close your jaws. Pertend that you are playing a toy guitar (like, one that came form a $1 shop)...
3) I bet many of you havent tried this before, but you can slap pitches in your jaw. If you dont understand what I'm talking about, then open your mouth, but leave a small opening, then, take your three fingers (your pointer, middle, and ring fingers), and slap your jaw, just below your cheekbone. Did you hear a pitch? Now do it while you open and clos your jaws. Now the pitch is changing; the lower the pitch, the more closed your mouth and jaws are. The higer the pitch, the more opened your mouth and your jaws are. It takes some practice before you are throughly able to effectively "tap out" songs, but I was able to after playing around for several minuts. Can YOU do it?
HAVE FUN! & if you're still bored after doing all of this... then there are some links you can have fun with below!
Yours truly, the creator of this website,
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