About MEself & what goes on in MY LiFe

SHORT Me, and my soulmate, Daniel, who literally TOWERS over me!
My Ink Self-Portrait
©frickfrackbone_d_boo@yahoo.com BY: ME
Hi, I'm Anna, otherwise known as "frickfrackbone_d_boo@yahoo.com", "macluvinbsbfan@mac.com", "Musicadj03@aol.com", "bsbismusicnotimagery@lycos.com", "Its_Me_Music302@kiwibox.com" and a Hotmail e-mail address that I choose not to disclose of (for Daniel's privacy sake [dont ask!], & besides, it's got the "Exclusive" junkmail filter on it- it'll trash ANYTHING that it doesnt recognize!).

I'm 18 years old, I'm from Kansas City, Missouri. I love working a lot with Music, and I enjoy hearing the Backstreet Boys lovely voices in the background (as they are the soundtrack to my life). I also love to write music, and I love performing music, whether it be instrumentally or vocally. I sing, and play the violin, guitar... and basically anything else I can get my hands on TO play.

I also like to paint & draw, as you can see from my artwork. If You've looked in my Yahoo! Profile, and you saw a hand-drawn pencil-drawing of a couple holding onto each other, that's the drawing I did of Me and my man, Daniel (Which, I framed & gave to him on his birthday)

Oh, if you dont know who this "Daniel" guy is... I have already met my wonderful soulmate, Daniel (sorry guys, I'm TAKEN...Muahhahahahahaha!), and I love him very very VEEERRRRRYYYY much. Last August we had our 1st Anniversary, on the 20th. In addition to the nice dinner, which he paid for by himself, he also hand-made a card for me, and it had ANOTHER really good and original poem of his hiding in there for me to read when I opened up the card. I don't ever mean to make ANY of you jealous or ANYTHING. I never mean to brag about my man or try to make it look like your man isn't worthy of you or something like that. I am always amazed at how Daniel is as a human being...Just when I think that he cant get even sweeter and more wonderful than he already is, I turn around and he does something really good to surprise me. He really is the best man to ever have in the entire universe. I'd love to be his wife, and you can't convince me otherwise.

Also, if you want to know more about me, I have 3 sisters (2 older, and 1 younger), and all my friends say that I'm blessed not to have any brothers...

In Terms of family, let's just say they are unique individuals that like to sarcastically argue over everything in our small little chicken-coup/shoebox house.In terms of Friends... lets put it this way... I go for the STRANGE INDIVIDUALS...lol and believe me... many of them are STRANGE!!!

*^~*^~*^~*^~SECTIONS OF MY "ABOUT ME" SECTION*^~*^~*^~*^~

-=>If You're interested in seeing more information about me, you can click on the "links" page, and visit all of my profiles.<=-

-=>I have a page for my dog- Abbey, which tells hilarious stories about my dog, and links to a slideshow consisting of her pictures followed by my computer drawing of her: Go ahead and click on her link & see what kind of silly spoiled Mutt she really is.... lol<=-

-=>Also, I have my Artwork page which mostly tells about my artwork, but also links to a slideshow which shows it.<=-

-=>"Daniel's Page" is a page dedicated entirely & solely to the greatness of "you-Know-who"...<=-

-=>"BSB: The HEAVEN of HARMONIES" is my site that is dedicated entirely to loving BSB & their music.<=-

-=>"My Musical Endeavors" is a site which tells in depth about me in all aspects of music...<=-

-=>& "Click here if you're BORED" is exactly what it says it is... a page of crack to keep you entertained & occupied...lol<=-



/-\/\//\//-\'s *\/E/\/T1L/-\Ti0/\/ ST/-\Ti0/\/* -=>(WARNING: This is where I curse!)<=-

Daniel's page | More 'Bout Me: LINKS 2 MY PROFILES | IF YOU'RE BORED, THEN HERE'S STUFF FOR YOU TO DO! | MY ARTWORK | MY DOG ABBEY | My Musical Endeavors | My Stories